EmbodyForYou.comthe online guide to health and beauty

Our Treatment Guide

Craniosacral Reflexology

When you go for treatment, the cranio-sacral reflexologist will complete a full medical history with you and will ask some general questions about your diet, sleep pattern and stress levels etc.

You will be asked to recline on a massage couch or reflexology chair and the CSR practitioner will gently hold your head for a few minutes to register the cranio-sacral rhythm before moving to the feet or hands to begin the treatment.

The treatment lasts for approximately one hour, and you can expect to feel increasingly relaxed during this time.
You may notice that some areas on the hands or feet feel different to others, and sometimes a particular point can feel quite tender.
This is not unusual and your cranio-sacral reflexologist will be happy to explain why this is the case.

He or she will also offer you aftercare advice on how to maximise the beneficial effects of the treatment you have received.

What Next?

Use the links below to search for Craniosacral Reflexology practitioners.

List of Craniosacral Reflexology Salons and Therapists.