
Holistic Therapist

All about me

My name is Andrea I started my career in the early 90s when I was working in an acute hospital

In 2001 I studied at Salford University when I qualified as a Limited Orthotic Practitioner, this involved biomechanics, the study of the mechanics of a living body, especially of the forces exerted by muscles and gravity on the skeletal structure.

I specialised in bespoke fabric supports and prosthetics.

In my practice I was looking at the whole structure of the body and soon realised that the integral biology had such a negative effect on the body, with the knowledge and experience that I have gained I then decided to continue my study and qualified as an holistic therapist. I am ITEC qualified in the Anatomy & Physiology and hold a diploma in Holistic Massage, Sports Massage Level 3, Hopi Ear Candling and Deep Tissue Massage. I also studied at the Royal Marsden Hospital Lymphoedema in Cancer Patient's and am qualified in LEDEC and FG MLD

I enjoy what I do and I feel my clients will continue to benefit from my treatments. I am happy to do mobile visits but this would incur an extra charge.

A full consultation will be taken before any treatments to ensure there are no contra indications as to why you should not pursue