Musculo / Skeletal / Lymphatic Therapy.
Fresh advances in Anatomy & Physiology mean that we now have a new & better understanding of:-

1. Muscle & Joint Pain
2. Adhesions
3. Lymphatics

From which have come new
Massage treatments

1. Sports Injuries
2. Bloating, I.B.S.,
3. M.E., C.F.S.

Together we have called these Muskelym

Anyone who practices Muskelym [Musculo / Skeletal / Lymphatic Therapy] will find that most Patients come to them as absolutely the last resort. They will have had pills, injections, manipulation, exercise, ultra-sound, surgery and even pins stuck in them in an attempt to find a cure. Finally Muskelym is tried, by which time the problem is old, well entrenched, difficult and resistant to treatment. Because we are seen as slow and expensive we are treatment of last resort and we don’t see other Therapists’ successes only their failures. I say ‘seen as’ because though we may take two or three sessions to solve a difficult problem that the patient has had for years and charge them in excess of two hundred pounds, that is much less money and only much the same time as a Therapist charging twenty five pounds for ten minutes will take when they still have not solved the problem after twenty visits over a couple of years of intermittent pain and loads more travelling time and expense. This then makes our treatment fantastic value.

Logically one or two sessions are unlikely to be sufficient to undo years of damage such as this. If a patient has had a problem with a muscle or joint for several years a therapist would be having an extraordinary success if they reduce the pain in a matter of a year. Even so we average better than a nine out of ten success rate and often within two or three sessions.