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Shaz Ridler


About Us

New Horizons Homeopathy. Offering Homeopathic consultations via the internet.
As well as being a human Homeopath i can offer coaching to pet owners.
As a pet owner and advocate of homeopathy, I empathise with the challenges pet guardians face in seeking optimal homeopathic care for their companions. Homeopathic veterinarians are often scarce, making it difficult to find accessible practitioners with open schedules. Even if one is fortunate enough to locate a homeopathic vet, securing an appointment can be a prolonged process, sometimes taking weeks. This delay is far from ideal, especially in acute situations where immediate assistance is crucial.
Recognising the urgency of such situations, I offer owner coaching services to bridge this gap. Through personalised guidance, I can advise pet owners on appropriate homeopathic remedies to administer while awaiting their veterinary appointment. This ensures that pets receive timely support and care, minimizing the impact of waiting periods on their well-being.
I specialise in coaching pet owners on selecting the most suitable homeopathic remedies for their animals' needs. It's important to note that my service is not intended to replace veterinary care but rather to complement it while awaiting a vet appointment. In some cases, the issue may resolve with homeopathic treatment alone. Upon receiving a brief description of the case, I can determine if coaching is appropriate. If it is, we can schedule a 30-minute message thread or video call.
If the condition is not suitable for owner-led treatment, I will advise against booking a coaching session. If the owner already possesses a homeopathic kit, treatment can be expedited, and we can discuss available remedies more efficiently.
Please note that I do not coach on skin issues in dogs that are not fed a raw diet, or receive yearly vaccinations or chemical flea or worm treatments.
Additionally, I offer Bach Flower treatment, which involves filling out a questionnaire about your pet. Based on the information provided, I will create a personalized six-week treatment plan of Bach Flower essence combinations. These are great for mental and emotional symptoms.
It's crucial to grasp that this guidance is intended for non-emergency situations. For immediate treatment of emergency conditions, it's imperative to seek the expertise of a veterinary surgeon. To book, follow the link -https://www.fresha.com/a/new-horizons-bristol-uk-lr83vb41

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9 to 4.

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