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Ray Denny Holistic

Luton - View Map

Tel: 07932 155 110
Mobile: 07932 155 110
Email: RaysHealthandWellbeing@gmail.com
Web: http://https://artundefined.com/rays-health-and-wellbeing/

About Us

Ray Denny - Wellbeing Practitioner.

Member: Complementary Therapists Association

Providing the ultimate relaxation and de-stress massage treatments on an individual basis or in the workplace environment.

Worry, anxiety, stress are all common in our modern society, we seldom give ourselves enough time out to relax our minds and bodies properly. The physical manifestations of our lifestyle show up in the form of in muscular tension, aches and pains as well as more serious health issues.
Taking time out with massage can give you the opportunity to forget your day-to-day worries and the burdens we all have.
Massage improves circulation and aids the immune system it can leave you feeling alert and grounded; and with more clarity of mind you're better able to put things into perspective and make decisions on those areas or situations in your life that you need to deal with.

NO HANDSŪ massage: Nicknamed The Gentle Giant of Massage, is a powerful and deep approach to massage that uses mainly, but not exclusively, the soft parts of the forearms. The slow rhythmical style plus the controlled use of body weight induces deep relaxation thus relieving muscular tension more effectively than conventional massage, allowing your body and mind to be calm and to re-charge. Treatments are normally delivered using oils on skin or, in a workplace environment, over clothing while seated in a chair.

Tailored, in-house seated treatments are available to employers as part of your company's workplace stress and wellbeing management programme.
For enquiries email: RaysHealthandWellbeing@gmail.com

Registered Professionals

Registered Professionals are fully trained and are bound by a strict Code of Practice. You can be confident of a high quality, professional treatment. Click on the therapist's name to see the treatments for which they are qualified and insured.

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Opening Hours:

Holistic Therapist, Advanced NO HANDSŪ massage Therapist

Treatments Offered: